
Code of conduct:

Landscapes Live is dedicated to promoting and sharing research in geomorphology by the means of online seminars and online activities. As a part of the virtual activities of the Geomorphology division of EGU, we follow the guide of conduct of EGU (

In addition, Landscapes Live online seminars are free and open to everyone all around the world. All attendees are expected to respect each other and to behave in a positive and friendly manner. Questions and comments addressed to the speakers or to the conveners should remain constructive and respectful. To ensure that unpublished work is protected, participants are not allowed to record any material associated with the seminars. An official recording may be made available with the permission of the speakers.

How we choose speakers:

The speakers of Landscapes Live are chosen by the members of the Landscapes Live organization team. Yet, we welcome nominations of potential speakers. If you wish to nominate someone or yourself, please email and briefly explain why we need to consider your candidate. We particularly welcome the nominations of early career researchers. Science quality is our prime selection criteria, but we also wish to select a diversity of speakers who reflect the variety of topics inside the Geomorphology division of EGU.

How we renew members of the Landscapes live organization team:

There are between 6 and 8 members of the Landscapes Live organization team. Members of the Landscape Live team are involved for a 3-year term (maximum) but can resign before if needed. At the end of the term of one member, a new member is chosen by the remaining members based on a list of candidates which is obtained from the community (i.e. nomination or self-volunteering by email or during the EGU meeting). Members of the Landscape Live teams should be motivated, curious and actively involved in the geomorphology community. We also value that members of the Landscapes Live team should reflect the geographical, topical and gender diversity of the Geomorphology division of EGU.